
Feb. 11, 2022

The Egyptian Revolution

February 11, 2011. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak steps down after nearly 30 years, following mass demonstrations that were part of the pro-democracy uprisings known as the Arab Spring.

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Feb. 10, 2022

The Cold War Spy Swap

February 10, 1962. At the height of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union conduct a spy exchange.

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Feb. 9, 2022

The Seattle Riots of 1886

February 9, 1886. After anti-Chinese violence descends into riots, President Grover Cleveland declares a state of emergency in Seattle.

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Feb. 8, 2022

The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

February 8, 1587. Mary Queen of Scots, the rival of Queen Elizabeth I of England, is beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle.

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Feb. 7, 2022

"Beatlemania" Hits America

February 7, 1964. The Beatles land in NYC on their way to perform on the Ed Sullivan show in front of an audience of tens of millions.

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Feb. 5, 2022

Saturday Matinee: History That Doesn't Suck

On today’s Saturday Matinee, we’re investigating the Brooklyn Bridge in an episode from “History That Doesn’t Suck,” another spectacular history podcast hosted by a friend of mine, Professor Greg Jackson. Link to History That Doesn't Suck: https://historythatdoesntsuck.com/podcast See Privacy Policy …

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Feb. 4, 2022

The Kidnapping of Patty Hearst

February 4, 1974. Patty Hearst is kidnapped by members of the Symbionese Liberation Army.

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Feb. 3, 2022

The Ratification of the 15th Amendment

February 3, 1870. The Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified, guaranteeing black men the right to vote.

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Feb. 2, 2022

The German Defeat at Stalingrad

February 2, 1943. The Battle of Stalingrad, one of the bloodiest of WWII, ends in defeat for Nazi Germany.

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Feb. 1, 2022

The Rise of Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir

February 1, 2009. Icelandic politician Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir is sworn in as the country's prime minister, becoming the first woman to hold that post in Iceland and the world's first openly gay head of government.

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Jan. 31, 2022

Jesse James Pulls off a Train Heist

January 31, 1874. The outlaw Jesse James and his gang pull off one of the most infamous crimes in the American Old West with the Gads Hill Train Robbery.

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Jan. 29, 2022

Saturday Matinee: Legends of the Old West

This Saturday Matinee comes from the spectacular “Legends of The Old West” podcast, hosted by my friend Chris Wimmer. But it’s not an “all hat, no cattle” tale. In this episode, Chris tells the story of a victory for Indiginous …

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Jan. 28, 2022

The Challenger Disaster

January 28, 1986. The space shuttle Challenger breaks apart in the sky 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven astronauts on board.

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Jan. 27, 2022

The Liberation of Auschwitz

January 27, 1945. Soviet forces liberate the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz.

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Jan. 26, 2022

The Fall of Barcelona to General Franco

January 26, 1939. In the midst of the Spanish Civil War, General Francisco Franco’s nationalist forces conquer the city of Barcelona.

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Jan. 25, 2022

Charles Manson is Convicted of Murder

January 25, 1971. Cult leader Charles Manson is found guilty of a series of notorious murders.

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Jan. 24, 2022

The Accident that Changed King Henry VIII

January 24, 1536. King Henry VIII is badly injured in a jousting accident, turning the once athletic and wise king into a paranoid, overweight tyrant.

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Jan. 22, 2022

Saturday Matinee: The Road to Now with Ken Burns

In this week’s Saturday Matinee episode, we’re bringing you a podcast episode from a friend, interviewing a legend. Ben Sawyer and his co-host Bob Crawford from the podcast The Road To Now talk to Ken Burns about his newest documentary …

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Jan. 21, 2022

The Execution of King Louis XVI

January 21, 1793. During the French Revolution, the King of France, King Louis XVI, is executed on the guillotine.

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Jan. 20, 2022

An Inauguration to Remember

January 20, 2009. After a divisive campaign, Barack Obama is inaugurated as America's first African American president.

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Jan. 19, 2022

The Pardon of "Tokyo Rose"

January 19, 1977. A Japanese-American radio broadcaster known as the mythical “Tokyo Rose” is pardoned after being falsely convicted of treason following World War Two.

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Jan. 18, 2022

Captain Cook Comes to Hawaii

January 18, 1778. Captain James Cook becomes the first European to travel to the Hawaiian Islands, but Cook’s journey will lead to his brutal killing on a Hawaiian beach.

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Jan. 17, 2022

The Start of Prohibition

January 17, 1920. Prohibition officially goes into effect after the passage of the Volstead Act.

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Jan. 15, 2022

Saturday Matinee: The History of Vikings

In this debut weekend episode, we're bringing you something fascinating from history, and hopefully introduce you to a new podcast, too. In this selection from the podcast The History of Vikings, host Noah Tetzner speaks with author Martyn Whittock about …

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